A Baby Girl
By Jacquie Garner
Summer of 2019 we started our adoption plan. We started fundraising and joined an adoption consulting agency. We did our homestudy, made our family profile book, and did all the to do lists! We started getting situations of children in need of adoption. We would present and then not get chosen. That happened eleven times. It was hard, it was discouraging! It was hard to understand why it was taking so long and where was the child we felt led to go down this journey for. What was wrong with our family, why were we not being chosen. All these questions and no answers.
September, 2020 we got a Yes! We presented our profile to a birth mom due with a baby girl the end of December. She was in a difficult situation and needed to find a family to adopt her baby and she chose us! Oh how excited we were! We couldn’t believe that it was finally happening! We were getting a baby girl, a daughter, a sister for our little boys! We wanted to shout to the world, but for privacy reasons we only told close family and friends. We waited and prepared and waited. December came and we did all the Christmas things including buy new baby girl presents. We decided on a name for her, a very special name. We chose Ruby Josephine. Ruby, after my amazing Grandma and Greg’s great-grandma! Two very special ladies. A week before the due date we were all ready to leave our boys with grandparents and go meet and be with our baby for two weeks while legal papers were signed.
A few days before the due date the agency lost contact with birth mom. The due date came and went, and they never could find her. We still have no idea what happened or where she went. Birth Mom must have decided to parent her precious baby girl! And if that’s what happened we are so happier for her! We hope and pray they both are doing well, and are safe and happy!
Adoption is, by the very nature of it, a mix of brokenness and joy! Brokenness for whenever a child is separated from birth mother and father, either by death, by choice, or by neglect. Either way it’s so so sad. Yet there is always joy when a orphaned child can be parented by a loving and safe adopted family! And oh the gift a child is to the family who either cannot have children or just wants to bring a precious child into their life! A child is one of the greatest gifts!
Our hearts were broken December 28, 2020. We lost our baby girl! Big brothers were so sad. We put all her things away. We grieved. We prayed. We hung on to each other as a family. We got the covid-19 virus and healed from that. We got snowed in for a week and played. Our hearts healed. We hope and pray the best for the baby girl and her Mom and family. We trust that God is leading our family in the direction it should go, and that He will take care of of that precious baby girl!