We have nothing to fear for the future, except if we forget how God has led us in the Past.

By Jacquie Garner 0 Comment February 15, 2020

I used to go on mission trips frequently when I was in my 20’s. When I got out of Nurse practitioner school I volunteered at Malamulo Hospital in Malawi Africa for 5 months. For each of these experiences I always had enough money to make it work out. I remember being 21 years old and going to India, I was so excited! But the amount of money I needed, while being college student, was way out of my reach. So I was fundraising, and each time the money was due, I had exactly what I needed down to the penny. Later, as I was a working RN, I was able to save the money I needed for the trips. When I got back from Africa (Malamulo Hospital) I had just enough money to start over again. It is just amazing to me how when we are doing that which is our passion, or doing what we are called to do, that the pieces just fall into place.

I have no doubt the same will be true with our adoption story. We started this adoption journey years ago, in between having our two boys, but it didn’t work out then. Now it seems the path of domestic adoption is the path were are to be on.

I’m sure there are several scary and uncertain things ahead with this adoption journey. We haven’t even been matched yet. We could be matched and spend thousands of dollars and it not work out. We have no idea what kind of difficulties and heartache is coming, but we know it will be worth it. Right now the big hurdle ahead of us is the financial cost. Yet I know that will work out as well.

We started saving money a while ago and it’s amazing how many things we buy we don’t need, and you don’t realize it until you really want to save money for something. We also have been amazed at the generosity of people who have given money towards our adoption fund. We can’t even begin to thank those people! We feel so humbled and grateful! The other day we were working on our budget and going through money, and we found $1500 unaccounted for, in our safe. We don’t know how that money got into our safe, or how we didn’t know about it, but we immediately put in into our adoption savings fund at the bank. So now we have just over $10,000. That’s about a 1/4 of what we need. How exciting! I know, just like in the past, the money will be there just at the right time, when we are being matched with our precious child. I just know, because God has always lead in the past, and I know He will again. 🙂